Monday, December 29, 2008

indianization of religion for cheating hindus

Indianization of Christianity is a sweet way of cheating Hindus. Christianity, like Islam, demands absolute faith in their religion.Absolute faith in Jesus. Nothing less. Your hindu-ness never loses by praying to Jesus but your Christian-ness does lose if you pray to any, except Lord Jesus. Christianity and Islam never respect hindus' belief system.A Christian boy or a Muslim boy, cannot marry a Hindu girl ,she being still a Hindu.They demand her convertion to their religion.Hindu is still a Hindu even if he/she doesn't visit a temple ,so long as he/she has a belief in Supreme Soul.But not visiting a church regularly , is a major sin; even priest won't conduct your marriage nor do they attend your funeral. The whole Christians of India cannot declare Mother Teresa a saint for her sainthood unless Pope declares it.
What is Indianisation of religion? Is it building churches in the architecture of a temple? Is it lighting muncherath( traditional oil lamp) avoiding fancy, stimulating lights? Is it celebratating 16 adiyanthiram with pappadam-pazham- payasam avoiding rotti and potti( a Christian favourite curry of cow's intestines).Christians argues for indianization only in the administrative level. Their worry is that Bishops are treated at par with Maharajas,their loyalty and accountability only to a foreign body.By indianization they don't believe in the structural changes of the Christian belief system. They are not for a Christian's right to pray in a temple or do Hindu ritual at home.They don't even take to heart KJ yesuda's earnest desire to pray Lord krishna.
These people are more dangerous than hardcore Evangelists. Tomorrow these people will take images from Theyyam-Thira and Kathakali in their palliperunnal .They will make Hindus believe that 'see ,your Christianity is similar to or alike your Hinduism; a hindu in a church is at ease, feels at home'.You may know there are many Christian priests who study Yoga and Meditation .And they teach this in their Church communities, not as Pathanjali Yoga but as Christian Yoga.They want the benefits of yoga but are reluctant to accept the yoga philosophy.They don't like Christians chanting Om in their community yoga centers, but they want sahasrara chakra energy meet mooladhara chakra and the bliss of that union.By chanting 'Lord Lord' this will never happen , but only from the aadi and anaadi mantra.They never chant yoga initiation Dhayana slokas( Gajananam) or close yoga with Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra( Om Trayambakam).Indianization of religion is a cheat for mass trappintg hindus who live in hindu culture,who have hindu and very natural way of living.Since new converts cannot immediately adapt to the new rock religion, the churches give a half station-indianization.If they consider the right of a hindu to pray to jesus why these christians and Islam are converting hindus to their religions.Why Lattin Christians of our coastal belt,100% fierce believers than even the Pope himself, still a lower Christian. Why I am a lesserr muslim than a mappila?
I write this from Alberta in North America.You may know the story of Barack Obama's election campaign. Barack Obama is a Christian. He held his marriage in a Christian church. He has two daughters . he baptised them in the name of jesus in that church.he goes to church regularly for twenty years.twenty years! Neither Hilary nor John McCain does so . Inspite of this the Christian America gave him hard times in the election primaries and later in the main. In almost all primaries Obama was asked: " are you a Christian". "yes", he asnwers." I am . my wife is. my daughters are. we are attending mass in United church for 20 years.Still they didn't accept his christianess. He was asked again and again:"If so Obama ,a white Christian lady asks," who is a christian? He answers:"a christian is a person who has accepted only Jesus as his Lord and Jesus as the only saviour".The lady said," now I'm happy". Christians all over the world heard this, read this. Did they publish even an appeal not to torture a believer like this?Later the white Christianity forced him to resign from the Black church he visits for twenty years!reason: the priest of that church Jeremiah cursed US in the pulpit for it's cruelties to the Black.
Islam was a sword religion at the time of Gaznis ,Goris, Aurangasebs, they have terrorized Hindus, forced convertions, asked jaziya, looted any number of temples.For these acts of theirs Hindus can keep a vigil, can teach the children , tell the posterity that they did such and such.
But christianity acts like a dreaded cancer , a sweet poison. it absorbs Hindus, and all non-Christian peoples all over the world in the nicest way to their black hole. You can never escape from it.In a pleasing way,it will make hindus march to their tent, hindus will march so happily, hindu will annihilate his hindu-ness.In US or in Canada christians are not allowed to pray in their Saint Churches, like we do in St Antony's, St George's etc.They are not allowed even to pray to their Holy saints,let alone Siva or Krishna. you can never see here a Novena on the road side. There is no Muringoor or Potta Divine Healing centers(mass convertion center in the name of healing).Why Jesus not heals in North America? Why He heals only in third world countries? Why churches are put to auctions here for want of believers? Why Americans are turning atheists? Why priests don't visit their houses with advices ?
There are any number of books available in Alberta or any other library here. I can give you reference. In America and Canada there were six hundred Sovereign Nations , I repeat six hundred, of Native Indians before the Christian Europe came to conquer here with the Papal Chit of Pope to conquer the soil other than that of Christians. some of them were bigger than many countries of Europe . These aboriginal peoples had their own belief systems, natural way of living , treatment systems ,social culture. these christians mass-killed, hanged, raped,and made them flee their land. They did all heinous acts.they spread plague ,small pox , all diseases to them .They killed them in millions.Because they were not christians . they were Pagans. Killing Pagans is not a sin!they made them slave . they took their nations .And this Christian Europe spread the story that they discovered America.Fuck them!And you and I studied this in our Social Studies classes. Colombus discovered America! And we believe this beast story! On June 30 ,2008 Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper made an apology in the Parliament.The reason: His earlier elected governments picked up adivasi or native children from their kudis(houses) and forcefully put them in Christian seminaries . This Christians forcefully taught their religion, their culture. they made children forget their language ,culture and religion. they converted
this children to christianity. they did this for 97 years .1,50,000 children were stolen from their houses. More than 50,000 children committed suicide in the Seminary. And the rest never returned home.This same method was done in US , in Australia.The government paid big amounts to the Christian Seminary every year.they destroyed the native people, their religion, their culture, there identities systematically.
now I see here some native people . they are 99.9 % christians. they lost their land. they lost their religions. they lost their way of living . they lost their treatment methods. their songs , their all icons.they are slaves in their home land , a lost people, waiting for monthly welfare. this is the smilimg face of Christianity. they are nice people. they are well-behaving people.They are neat people . they are not terrorists .When does the world identify them as 'civilized ' barbarians?


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